Daniel Kwik

hope-filled grit vs fear-based grit

While there is a certain quality to all grit (the capacity for perseverance), grit is motivation-agnostic. That is, it can be motivated by fear, or by hope. Take these 3 scenarios of grit:

  1. A student studying additional material on weekends for a national exam.
  2. A professional starting a side-hustle on top of their full-time job
  3. A parent spending time with their children every day despite their tiredness.

Different people can have the exact same 3 characteristics, but have totally different motivations.

  1. A student studying additional material on weekends for a national exam
    • because they are afraid that they will disappoint their parents OR
    • because they envision their future and know their studies will get them there.
  2. A professional starting a side-hustle on top of their full-time job
    • because they're afraid they will never get a chance to work for themselves OR
    • because they hope to solve a problem that doesn't have a solution.
  3. A parent spending time with their children every day despite their tiredness
    • because they're afraid they will not develop optimally otherwise OR
    • because they're hopeful this act of sacrificial love pays dividends.

I think that the motivations powering grit is just as important as the grit itself, and I admire gritty people that are truly 'hope-driven' - people in pursuit of the creation of beauty rather than the avoidance of fears.

🚧 The rest of this article is under construction 🚧

hope-filled grit vs fear-based grit